DAS Solar gains UL 61215、61730 certification from UL Solutions for N-type rectangular modules


DAS Solar, a global N-type leader, joined industry experts and professionals at 2024 The 2nd New Energy Industry Chain Conference, held by UL Solutions, in Suzhou, China. DAS Solar gained UL 61215、61730 certification from UL Solutions for N-type rectangular modules featuring TOPCon 4.0 technology during the conference.



The UL standards serve as product certification requirements for PV modules entering the US market. With the release of UL 61215 and 61730, North American PV modules manufacturers have higher expectations for quality and performance. DAS Solar's N-type rectangular modules have been certified by UL, indicating that they have reached the entry threshold for N-type rectangular modules in the US market. This demonstrates DAS Solar's innovative capability in supporting the sustained advantage of high-performance, high-safety, and high-quality PV products.


During the forum session, Dr. Song Dengyuan, DAS SOLAR's CTO and Chairman of the SEMI Standards PV and PV Materials China Joint TC Chapter, delivered a keynote address titled "TOPCon efficient cell accelerate PV Technology iteration from P to N-type". According to Dr. Song Dengyuan, rapid iteration of advanced N-type technologies has been spurred by flourishing development in the PV sector. With the best product value, N-type TOPCon technology has become the new generation of mainstream PV technology.



CPIA data indicates that TOPCon products were shipped at 23% in 2023. In 2024, this proportion is expected to surpass 50%. TOPCon products are poised to become the mainstream choice in the market because of their cost-effectiveness, high efficiency, and reliability. As a N-type leader, DAS Solar is dedicated to continuous exploration and rigorous research in N-type technology, consistently surpassing industry standards in cell and module efficiency. DAS Solar has developed the TOCon 4.0 Plus high-efficiency cell that boasts an efficiency of 26.36% and an open-circuit voltage of 742mV, breaking the world record again. A technology roadmap developed by DAS Solar includes five pathways, TBC, SCPC, SFOS and TSiX, which will result in solar cell efficiency up to 40%.


Equipped with DAS Solar's cutting-edge TOPCon 4.0 Plus cell technology, DAS Solar modules offered advantages such as zero light-induced degradation (LID), higher bifaciality, lower temperature coefficient, and superior performance under weak light conditions, meeting the diverse requirements of various application scenarios.


The high-efficiency N-type rectangular module products have successfully obtained foundational certifications from multiple third-party organizations such as TUV, CGC, CQC, and PCCC. Furthermore, the products have been rigorously tested for CE certification, triple IEC certification, triple PID certification, 8 levels of salt mist resistance, dust resistance, and ammonia resistance. This product series encompasses a variety of applications including large-scale utility, distributed projects, and commercial and industrial rooftops, ensuring the security and reliability of green, low-carbon photovoltaic projects. DAS Solar will continue to lead in technology, offering customers efficient and reliable photovoltaic products while leveraging comprehensive solutions across full scenarios in the future.

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